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what Tcl/Tk Ruby/Tk variable set a 123 a = 123 or a = '123' initialization re-assignment set b $a b = a.dup lists/arrays set a {1 2 fred 7.8} a = [1, 2, 'fred', 7.8] re-assignment set b $a b = a.dup associative set a(Jan) 456.02 a = {'Jan' => 456.02, 'Feb' => 534.96} arrays set a(Feb) 534.96 or array set a {Jan 456.02 Feb 534.96} re-assignment foreach i \ b = a.dup [array names a] { set b($i) = $a($i) } or array set b [array get a] expressions set a [expr $b+$c] a = b + c increment incr i i += 1 declare proc plus {a b} { def plus(a, b) subroutines expr $a + $b } return a + b end variable scope local default local default override w/ "global" call plus 1 2 plus(1,2) subroutines statement sep newline or at ";" newline or at ";" statement "\" - newline none required continuation verbatim strings {} '' e.g. {a \ lot@ of $stuff} 'a \ lot@ of $stuff' escaped strings "" "" e.g. "Who\nWhat\nIdunno" "Who\nWhat\nIdunno" STDOUT puts "Hello World!" print "Hello!\n" puts stdout "Hello!" STDOUT.print "Hello World!\n"
what Perl/Tk Ruby/Tk variable $a = 123; or $a = '123'; a = 123 or a = '123' initialization re-assignment $b = $a; b = a.dup lists/arrays @a = (1,2,'fred',7.8); a = [1, 2, 'fred', 7.8] re-assignment @b = @a; b = a.dup associative %a = ('Jan',456.02, a = {'Jan' => 456.02, 'Feb' => 534.96} arrays 'Feb',534.96); re-assignment %b = %a; b = a.dup expressions $a = $b+$c; a = b + c increment $i++; or ++$i; i += 1 declare sub plus { my($a,$b) = @_; def plus(a, b) subroutines $a+$b; } return a + b end variable scope global default local default override w/ "my" (or "local") call &plus(1,2); #or plus(1,2) subroutines plus(1,2); #OK after sub plus statement sep ";" required newline or at ";" statement none required none required continuation verbatim strings '' '' e.g. 'a \ lot@ of $stuff' 'a \ lot@ of $stuff' escaped strings "" "" e.g. "Who\nWhat\nIdunno" "Who\nWhat\nIdunno" STDOUT print "Hello World!\n" print "Hello World!\n" STDOUT "Hello!\n" STDOUT.print "Hello World!\n"